Illinois opens applications for violence-prevention grants


SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Illinois officials have announced the first of three applications for violence-prevention grants.

The Department of Human Services said there’s $50 million for prevention services in Chicago including street-based “interruption” and victims’ services.

Money for the grants comes through the Reimagine Public Safety Act. It’s aimed at root causes of firearm violence through behavioral health services, better economic opportunities and interruption and prevention programs.

The first round of money is targeted toward 37 areas which the Reimagine law determined to have the heaviest firearm violence. Applications are due March 9 and grants will be awarded in April.

The Human Services Department will open two other funding periods later this month. One will center on youth development programs and after-school and summer programs proven to improve school attendance and performance.

The other will make money available to Chicago-based organizations working with young people at risk of becoming involved in violence.


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